
I am guilty of being a technology junkie. I am always touching my phone. Whether it be scrolling my photo albums, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram (this list is already too long), or even blogging and pinning on Pinterest. The iPhone suits me, if you can’t tell. I was raised in a family that always had the TV on. Half the time, it served as background noise. Dinner was always served with a hockey game that no one really cared who won, the nightly news, or the beginnings of whatever singing competition show was on. This was normal. I didn’t know any differently. I nearly always have my bedroom television on, music playing, or something like Netflix or Hulu playing in the background of whatever I’m doing on the computer. 

One evening someone said to me, “Can’t you just sit quietly with your own thoughts?”. My immediate internal response was, “Why would anyone want to do THAT?”, thinking too much is more often than not a horrible thing to do with your time. I avoid my head at all costs!

Yet now, I’m sitting here with the world on my mind and all of these vices seem like noise. Voices are too loud. Screens are too bright. Music is unsatisfying. And most of all social networking feeds seem so pointless. They’re worlds I don’t even feel like being apart of. Today I deleted every form of social networking off of my iPhone. 

I’m sitting in a room full of books with the most welcomed silence. This is what should be done with my time. Thank God I finally listened to that someone. Now here’s to closing my lap top and being better.